ID Number: When a name is registered it is given an ID number which helps distinguish it from other similar or identical names. The lower the number, the earlier the name was registered.
Address: Listed for retired names only to document the history of the property.
Area: Neighborhoods are displayed for all names, this field is searchable and sortable alphabetically.
Town: Towns are displayed for all names, this field is searchable and sortable alphabetically.
Zipcode: Zipcodes are displayed for all names, this field is searchable and sortable numerically.
Date: Listed when provided. Documents the time frame the name was used at the property. This field is searchable and sortable numerically.
Currently used and displayed at a property.
No longer used or displayed at the listed address.
Used continuously at same address for at least 50 years.
Related to a person or event of significance.
Award Winning
Winner of a Quarterboard Award.